5 Ways to Make the Most out of Your Mondays

Lennox Kimtai
4 min readAug 16, 2018

In the world we live in, Mondays are dreaded. And rightfully so. If you’re and adult, in a 9 to 5 job or self-employed, chances are you don’t like Mondays.

It means going back to routine.

Have you ever thought how life would have been if we didn’t have calendars? I mean, calendars are annoying. Always finding a way to remind you of a deadline you have to beat. Or the fact that every day that passes takes you a step closer to your demise.

But human beings are soooo organized. Some little prick had to come up with a way to measure time. I guess if he were alive now, he would curse the day he made this invention.

It’s like sour medicine that you have to take when you’re sick — and you just take it because the doctor says it will make your feel better. You do it half-heartedly because you don’t want to remain in agony.

That’s how many people around the world treat Mondays. But do you know it could be different? Here’s how.

· Embrace Change

Human beings are naturally inclined to resist change. Does the phrase comfort-zone ring a bell? Picture yourself in bed early in the morning. You’re awake, you want to get up and start off your day. But you find it difficult. Your body isn’t willing to get out of that bed. You do not want to leave the coziness. That’s what weekends do to us.

Become a student of change. It is the only thing that will remain constant.

-Anthony D’Angelo

On Monday, you are still in weekend-mode so you struggle to adjust to the new routine. Do not be afraid to start the cycle. A new day means new opportunities to do great things.

· Self-motivation

Many psychologists agree that the greatest motivation comes from within. You can read or listen to someone encourage you for hours but at the end of the day, you are the person who acts. It’s so important that the motivation is intrinsic.

You may be the only person left who believes in you, but it’s enough. It takes just one star to pierce a universe of darkness. Never give up.
-Richelle E. Goodrich

On a Monday, pump all the confidence into yourself. Believe that you are going to be productive and happy on that day. Most of the time, what you say to yourself eventually comes to pass. Speak to you. Tell yourself that you are going to make it a great Monday.

· Attitude Change

Perhaps one of the greatest problems we face in the 21st century is the tendency to conform. We want to follow the trends. We want to do what our peers are doing. If you aren’t doing what everyone else is doing, then you’re a weirdo.

Just because a few unmotivated and unambitious people said Mondays suck doesn’t really mean it does. Sometimes we think it’s the worst day not because of our experiences but because everyone else thinks so. It’s time you took a different path — you need to confidently stride into uncharted territory. A beaten path usually ends in mediocrity.

· Have good relations with other people

If you’re having bad days, chances are you don’t relate very well with people. You’re always getting into silly arguments and holding grudges. How do you expect to have a good day if that’s all you do?

Remember, how you treat people determines how THEY will treat you. It’s a two-way thing. You can make your Mondays less chaotic if you do that. All you need is just a little courtesy and you’re good to go.

We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

· Take it as day like any other

No matter what you may think, all days are the same. A Monday is no different from a Thursday. It’s just how you look at it. All days are made up of 24 hours and all present an opportunity to start afresh. To be the best at what you do.

Don’t listen to all that bullshit about Monday sucking. I’m beginning to look at it as the best day of the week. It sets the tempo on how you’re going to perform throughout the week. So make the most out of it.

